Is Gilbert AZ A Wealthy Neighborhood?

So, you’re diving into Gilbert, Arizona, and the buzz is all about whether it’s a wealthy spot or not, right? Well, let’s break it down in a more chilled-out way.


Imagine cruising around Gilbert and thinking, “Hmm, is this place like super rich?” It’s one of those questions that’s got layers depending on who you ask. You’ve got folks who’ve been here since the Stone Age of Gilbert and others who just rolled in. Gilbert has seriously evolved. Think farming central way back when, now you’re staring at a skyline of neighborhoods, malls, hospitals, the whole shebang.

Economics-wise, it’s got some good stats. Like, the average household income is around $105K a year. Hold up, that’s actually higher than places like Scottsdale! Crazy, right? You’ve got big companies here like GoDaddy, Banner Health, Northrop Grumman, and more, giving job options a good variety.

Now, house prices are a bit spicy. A regular home in Gilbert? Yeah, you’re talking nearly $600K. That’s a bit above the Maricopa County median, so yeah, it’s kinda up there.

Schools? Solid. Tons of ‘em. And like, almost half the adults here have college degrees. That’s saying something!

Gilbert’s not just about the money game. Parks, man! Splash pads, rec centers, and loads of cycling paths. Trust me, if you’re into biking, you’re set! Plus, the local beer scene is on point. Oso Brewery? Perfect place to meet fellow dog lovers and brew aficionados.

And oh, the events! You’ve got entertainment everywhere—concerts, comedy clubs, and Phoenix’s pro sports are just a hop away. Seriously, you’ll never be bored here. Plus, there’s this cool volunteer scene; if you’re up for giving back, Gilbert’s got places for that too.

So, bottom line? It’s well-off, yeah, but it’s more than just dollar signs. It’s a mix of family vibes, job opportunities, and a lifestyle that’s got something for everyone. Think friendly, clean, safe, and totally family-focused. If that sounds like your jam, Gilbert’s waving hello!